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Ekaterina Ostrovskaya, Anna, Alexander and Maria

Meet our #mumoftheweek, an exceptionally charming young woman Ekaterina Ostrovskaya! Ekaterina is the perfect example of a successful lady that manages running her own business as well as motherhood that, as she claims, was the inspiration behind the creation of her project. Our #kidsoftheweek – three of Ekaterina’s wonderful children: Anna (5 years old), Alexander (2 years old) and little Maria (6 months old). “Motherhood brings me so much happiness, that is why three kids is not the limit, let’s see what happens in the future!”. Ekaterina is the founder and co-owner of ‘A&A Baby Glam’, a brand that is specifically focused on production of various details for baby cribs, baby underwear and accessories. “It all started when I had my second child, and like many other moms I was faced with a problem of putting together a room for my kid. I was looking for a rim for the crib , but none of the ones I found were of the right colour or size. After a long search we came to the conclusion that we can produce them ourselves, firs for us and then for others.” At the moment A&A Baby Glam is offering various services aimed at fully equipping bedrooms for children including fabrics, light, furniture etc.

The questions are answered by Ekaterina and her older daughter Anna.

1. If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Ekaterina: Have as many arms as Shiva so that I could have all the time to do everything myself, as my motto is ‘if you want to do something right, do it yourself’.
Anna: Being able to walk through walls.

2. What is your favourite sweet treat?
Ekaterina: At night I attack a box of Carte D’Or coffee flavoured ice cream.
Anna: Ice cream and milk chocolate with crunchy cookie filling.

3. What is your favourite cartoon character?
Ekaterina: Domovenok Kuzya.
Anna: Olaf and Elsa from ‘Frozen’.

4. What would you never wear?
Ekaterina: Leopard print leggings and slippers with fluffy pompoms, other than that – never say never!
Anna: A superman suit!

5. What can never be enough in a wordrobe?
Ekaterina: Shoes.
Anna: Little princess shoes and strappy sandals!

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